Sex and gender sensitive medicine - political and scientific discourse

Summary In 1998, the Federal Statistical Office published the first health report for Germany. This had a clear deficit: Only very few of the processed data were differentiated according to sex and gender, although women's health research and practice could already look back on a tradition of more than 20 years by then. The deficits in reporting strengthened the national discourse on sex and gender and medicine and only a few years later (in 2001) the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) published the report on the health situation of women. This report is based on a bio-psycho-social understanding of sex/gender and health or illness and is thus still considered an important milestone of sex and gender sensitive medicine: The German discourse had now caught up with international health policy and as early as 2002 the World Health Organisation (WHO) Region Europe published a declaration that emphasised the importance of sex and gender in health research. Although sex and gender-sensitive medicine is currently far from being sufficiently implemented in medical theory and practice, the topic area of "sex and gender and health" has nevertheless developed significantly since 2002: There is now a strengthening and intensification of interdisciplinary research as well as a systematic breakdown of the categories of sex and gender.

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Paulina Juszczyk

Last changed: 2021-10-23 12:58:36