Module 1: Sex and Gender in medicine/Quiz

The questions in the quiz refer to the article Module 1: Sex/Gender and Medicine.



Which statement regarding the term “gender” is correct?

The term gender describes all social and cultural aspects of an individual including gender specific distribution of roles.
The term gender is used exclusively in English and has no relevance in German.
The term gender describes all the biological characteristics and traits of an individual.
Gender is a term used exclusively in psychology and represents an important parameter in diagnostics.


Which statement regarding the term “sex” is correct?

Sex and gender describe the same thing.
The term sex describes biological factors (e.g. genes, sex hormones, immune system or metabolism).
The term sex describes all social aspects of an individual and applies to the gender-specific distribution of roles.
Sex is a term that plays no role in sex and gender sensitive medicine.


Which term listed below is associated exclusively with “sex”?

family structures
Education and training
XX or XY chromosomes


Which term listed below is associated exclusively with “gender”?

Bone density
immune system
Social Relations
body fat distribution


hroughout their lifespan, men and women differ in their biological and social development. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Physical growth in boys is slower and more irregular.
Boys have more frequent growth spurts.
In terms of language development, boys are twelve to 18 months behind girls.
A more highly developed frontal cortex enables boys to control impulses better than girls.